How to Request A Tutor Replacement

Learn What You Can Do if You're Not Satisfied with Your Learning Experience.

We prioritise your satisfaction and aim to make your learning experience effective and enjoyable. To ensure that you find the right tutor who meets your needs, we offer a 100% Satisfaction Guarantee.

You are eligible for a free replacement tutor if:

  • Your assigned tutor didn't show up.
  • Your assigned tutor didn't meet your expectations.

To request a free replacement, please contact our customer support team and provide the following details:
  • Name of the previous tutor.
  • Subject you are learning.
  • Your booking order.

Please note that our
Payment policy  allows for tutor replacements free of charge for any prepaid or hourly services. If you have a prepaid balance of hours with a tutor, you can transfer your paid credits to another tutor.

If you have a prepaid balance of hours with a tutor, you have the option to transfer your paid credits to another tutor.

To initiate the process, please raise a support ticket or send us an email. There's no need for back-to-back phone calls.

We are committed to resolving any issues you may have and ensuring that you have a positive learning experience.