Tutor Payroll Calendar

Ensuring Accurate Lesson Marking and Timely Payroll Processing.

Timesheets are finalized every two weeks on Tuesdays, and all tutoring hours conducted by tutors are recorded in our Teachworks system. Payroll at Tutor Lim is released every fortnight, typically at the beginning of the week after the timesheet closure. Timesheet closure usually takes place on Wednesdays or Thursdays, and tutors can expect to receive their payment on the following Monday or Tuesday.


Teachworks Access for Trial Tutors

Tutors who are on trial will experience a temporary restriction on their Teachworks access until the success of their first lesson. This measure is in place to ensure a smooth onboarding process and maintain the quality of our tutoring services. Once the trial period is completed and the first lesson is deemed successful, tutors will be granted access to Teachworks. During this time, our service team will closely collaborate with tutors on trial to provide support and guidance. They will assist in scheduling lessons and managing administrative tasks until access to Teachworks is granted.


Tutor Community Guidelines:

It is crucial that every lesson is marked as "Attended" and that Lesson Notes are submitted via the Teachworks platform. ‼️ Failure to do so may impact the tutor's payroll and result in a delay in payment.  


Marking Lessons and Teachworks Usage:

Please ensure that lessons are marked accurately with the appropriate status: "Attended", "Scheduled", "Missed," or "Cancelled." Additionally, tutors should refrain from deleting lessons in Teachworks and should instead reach out to the service team for any support or clarification regarding lesson marking.


Remember that 💡:

  • Lessons NOT marked as "Attended" will not be eligible for payment.
  • Failure to submit Lesson Notes will result in non-payment.
  • Marking a lesson as "Attended" but being late with the submission may cause a delay in tutor's payroll.