Mark Lesson Attendance and Record Lesson Notes Guidelines for Tutors in Teachworks

Ensuring Accurate Attendance Records and Comprehensive Lesson Notes for Tutoring Success.


This knowledge article provides essential guidelines for tutors in the Tutor Lim community regarding lesson attendance and lesson notes in Teachworks. These guidelines are crucial to maintain consistent and accurate records for attendance and lesson details. Please familiarise yourself with the following rules and consequences for non-compliance.

First Occurrence:

In the event of non-compliance (such as not marking attendance or missing lesson notes), the tutor will be given a verbal and/or written reminder. This reminder may be in the form of a call, SMS, or email. Additionally, the Tutor Lim Service team will provide assistance by either marking attendance or updating lesson notes on behalf of the tutor.


Second Occurrence:
In the case of recurring non-compliance, another verbal reminder will be given to the tutor. Additionally, a warning email will be sent, marking the tutor as a first-time offender.


Third Occurrence:

If the issue continues despite previous reminders, a second warning email will be sent, and a 50% deduction in wages for the specific lesson will be implemented. At this stage, the tutor will be marked as a second-time offender.


Fourth Occurrence:
Considering that two warning emails have already been sent, non-compliance at this stage will result in a 100% deduction of wages for the lesson. The tutor will be marked as a third-time offender. Note that at this stage, the tutor may be given one final chance to remediate their attitude/behaviour before termination of employment as a tutor within the Tutor Lim community.


Fifth Occurrence:
Upon the fifth occurrence of non-compliance, termination of employment will be initiated. This decision will be made based on the repeated failure to adhere to lesson marking and note-taking requirements.


Refresh Rate:
To maintain accuracy and consistency, the Tutor Lim Service team conducts weekly audits for lesson marking and note-taking. However, the "warnings" or "demerits" for offenders will be reset per semester/term, typically spanning approximately 6 months.