Preparation Time Charges Policies and Procedure

Learn what is "Prep Time" charges

At Tutor Lim, we acknowledge the technicality and the extra effort that may be required in supporting (advanced) university subjects.

As such, we introduce a reward system - in our effort to be fair to both students and tutors - where: 

  • (If) The Tutor needs more than 10-15 minutes to prepare for his/her next class with the Student 
  • The Tutor can provide an Estimate in regards to how long preparation would take ( this is usually communicated via email i.e. written communication is required ) 
  • The Tutor must provide a brief Justification along with the Estimate.


Key things to note: 

  • Prep Time charges are only applied for technical subjects. Generally, this includes:
    • Uni Bach (Advanced) level - Year 3 and/ or Year 4 ; and
    • Uni Masters level 
    • Uni PhD level 
    • Industry level 
  • Prep Time charges are usually requested for Technical software or Complex hand calculation to be solved.
  • Prep Time charges cannot be claimed for studying concepts to teach the Student. When The Tutor accepts a task - it is understood that the Tutor is capable in supporting the Student for the entire subject, including nominated software and programming languages involved.
  • Prep Time charges can only be claimed - max of 2 hours. 
  • Prep Time charges need email Sign off by Tutor Lim. 


How it works

  • Once Prep Time charges are requested with the Service team (via email) 
  • Service team will review and revert back within 24 hours to either: 
    • Approved, or
    • Disapproved (with reason)
  • Prep Time charges also need a sign off (agreement) from the student. This can be presented in the form of an email exchange or a letter of agreement. 



  • Submission in the form of PDF / MS Word for any hand calculations.
  • Submission in the form of part file, .mfile, .ipynb and so on, for any software related tasks.
  • Tutor Lim remains a tutoring organisation all tutors will adhere to strict company policies and code of conduct where
    • Homework is to be driven/completed by the student.
    • Our tutors will provide high quality tutoring support and guidance.
    • Our tutors can provide step by step guidance but final answer/s may not be disclosed.



  • Approved Prep Time charges are subjected to cancellation upon unsatisfactory work / answers and / or if the document is not submitted within given timeframe*.
  • * Given timeframe is usually agreed between the Student and the Tutor.