My Tutor is Absent

Learn what to do when your tutor is absent from class.

First of all, we’d like to apologise for the experience you’ve had. It’s not common for tutors to miss lessons, and we understand how frustrating it can be. We know you’ve spent time and energy planning for your lesson, and we're truly sorry for the inconvenience.

If your tutor hasn't already reached out to you, consider taking the following steps:

  1. Contact the tutor again to reschedule your lesson. Sometimes unforeseen emergencies can occur, and the tutor may have had an emergency. Our tutors are instructed to conduct rescheduling directly with students or parents.
  2. If you or your child is not available at the nominated times, please contact Tutor Lim to arrange a substitute tutor to attend the session. A substitute tutor may also be scheduled to catch up on the missed session at a later date.

Please contact us to let us know how you’d like to proceed or if we can answer any questions for you!