How to Contact Your Assigned Tutor

Learn how to get in touch with your assigned tutor.

After confirming your booking and tutor assignment, the following steps will be taken:

  1. The tutor is guided and trained to initiate contact through an introductory email or call.

  2. Our service team will also reach out to provide you with the tutor's details, including their email and contact number.

(Upon request, our team can arrange a kickoff or meet-and-greet meeting between you/your child and the tutor.)


Key things to note:

  • At Tutor Lim, we understand the importance of matching teaching and learning styles between our teachers and students. Once a tutor is assigned, ongoing support from the tutor to the student will be facilitated, and no changes will be made unless there is an additional request or support required. In such cases, you can contact us to make this additional request.
  • Keep an open mind and be prepared to explore possibilities with your tutor when they contact you.
  • Tutors and teachers are members of the Tutor Lim community, and scheduling, preferred methods, and meeting locations are often negotiated directly between families and tutors.
  • While Tutor Lim provides access to recommended teachers and tutors, families can connect with them and negotiate the terms of tuition directly.
  • In the event of any dispute or disagreement, Tutor Lim will seek to mediate and help resolve any arising matters.